My surf bored

Hello today I have made a surf board.I have used shapes to make it.It was not really that hard.Did you know that if you are seeing a big wave then you can get your surf board and start to stand up and wait for the wave you come and it feels like your are levitating .But you should always be careful. Because you don’t know anything can come and you wont know. I have also learnt that if you go more into the sea you can get big waves.Well I hope you like my surf bored that I made.

Bye bye see you next time:).

One thought on “My surf bored

  1. Kia ora Subreen,

    Manar here from the Summer Learning Journey Team.

    I really like how you have reflected the beautiful sky onto your surfboard, including the sun, some clouds and an awesome rainbow. For the rainbow you could also use the curve the rainbow coloured strips on your surfboard using the curve tool on google draw.

    Keep it up!
    Manar Mahmoud (SLJ)

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