
Hello today I have been doing some Matariki writing for Matariki! I have put everything I know in this writing so I hope you like it!

Matariki has 9 stars in the sky  as a cluster but you can only see 7! Their names are Waitĩ, Waitā, Waipunarangi, Tupuānuku, Tupuārangi, Ururangie, Pōhutukawa, Hiwa-l-te-rangi and Matariki! They had even made it into a song! 


Matariki is also a name for Māori new year isn’t that so cool! 


Matariki is the eldest sister so she guides her younger sisters in their places for Matariki


 People say if you can not see the seven sisters in the sky that means you will have bad luck! 


If the stars shine really bright that means the year will be warm and crops will grow tall and strong! 


In other countries people call Matariki/Māori new year call it Pleiades. 


When it is Matariki Māori people would tell the young ones old stories, plant trees and tell the young ones how they would use the stars to find their way home and many more!


I hope you liked my writing! See you next time! 🙂


Hello. Since we had got so much money raised for jumping June we got free skipping ropes! We could only start in June because it’s called Jumping June! You’re meant to jump in June. We had to do it at the end of the day with everybody! It was a entire school skipping thing. It was so fun to skip with my friends and do cool tricks. 1 of my friends showed me how to do a cool trick and it was so fun her name is Florence she also has a blog you can check it out after!  When we were skipping my teacher put on music so it was fun! We always try to do an entire school skipping either in the morning or at the end of school! Bye bye see you next time! 🙂

Dung Beetles!


For our reading group we had to learn about Dung Beetles! We learnt that Dung Beetles are 2-3 cm long, so tiny.  The thing about Dung Beetles is that they are fast even though they are small. They are also smelly and strong! Dung Beetles are smelly because they move dung (which is poop) with their hind/back legs! That’s how they are strong because they have to roll the dung with their back legs.

We also learnt that you can find a lot of Dung Beetles in the African Plains because there are a lot of animals there that make dung so the beetles can have it and push it around!

When Dung Beetles want dung they have to go and find it but they want moist dung (wet). They never take dried up dung because they can’t shape it into a ball!

Here is an image of a Dung Beetle. I hope you like it bye!

Predator Control!


Today for reading we had to learn about Predator Control. We had to learn about possum’s. We had to make a slide show and say why there are more possums in New Zealand than Australia. Well here it is I hope you like it! 🙂


Hello today we had to go to a Assembly! First we had to to that national anthem and then the school anthem.

After that room 4 had some self portraits to show us that were really cool! They had made it all out of paper which I think is really cool.

Then a kid in our class named Avint came up and told us that some people in our school went to the library in town called Turanga and did some things on a iPad each. They said that they had learnt how to make animation and some other things too! The teacher had made a video of them doing the animation which I thought was really cool.

Then after that Miss Bowler came and handed out the certificates and then we all clapped at the end.

After that our teacher Whaea Megan showed us how much money we raised for Jumping June! She said that every thousand dollars we get that is how many teacher we get to pie and we got 4 thousand dollars so we got to pie 4 teachers! We had to to do a draw who got to pie a teacher but sadly I did not get picked to pie a teacher. Then Whaea Meagan said what class had won 30 minutes of free time and ice-blocks! She said that it does not matter if you did not get money raised it mattered if we made a profile but again sadly room 10 won. Then after that we went back into our class rooms and continued with our day. I hope you liked this check out more of my day at school and other things on my blog account! 🙂

Fire Safety!

Hello today for Kaupapa we had to learn about fire safety! We could make this on canva or pixtion but I picked pixtion because it is easier! The 1 things that I learnt today was that we can not keep any type of can with gas in it near the stove or else it could EXPLODE  I had fun today so much because I could make things and use my creative mind it was so cool and fun! here is my pixtion comic that I hope you like there are some cool facts in there too! make sure to read it good so next time you can use these facts to save your life in a fire! here you go I hope you like it! 🙂

Buddy Class!

Hello today we had buddy class. My buddy’s name is Evie For buddy class we had to right a blog post about what we like and things we have in common. Me and Evie Love ice blocks and cake! I like coke and she likes orange juice! Evie is 6 years old and I’m 10!. last week we had to make a story for our buddy’s to read and it was so fun! since we had to put a photo in we put one in here you go we both hope you like it! bye see you next time:)

Message Makeover!

Hello today we had to learn how to write kindly online! 1st we had to make an copy of a doc and change the copy of to our initials and than we had a slide show to fill in. 1 side had a rude message and on the other side we had to write another message the same thing but in a nicer way we had to to 7 slide shows and pick 1 to put on are blog we had to do this because we are learning about netiquette! I picked slide 6 because I think that that was the best 1 I did! Well here it is I hope you like it! 🙂


Sign Language Week!

Hello this week is sign language! This is a week for deaf people or people that were hearing aids. Since it’s sign language week, some people learn sign language. Some people have a deaf Mum, Dad, Sister/Brother, Granddad/Grandma so the people who are deaf get hearing aids or their family learns it and supports the person who is deaf. For sign language week our class learnt sign language. We had to learn how to spell our name. It was easy for those people who had sort names but a little hard for the people who had long names like me mine was 7 letters long. My name is Subreen and you can see a video of me doing my name in sign language I hope you like it 🙂

Bye see you next time! 🙂

Auto Draw!

Namaste! Yesterday 1 of our teachers showed us some cool apps to use. One of my favourites was Auto Draw! Auto Draw is if you can’t draw that well then you can draw a butterfly and then on the top the butterfly it will put some really cool and pretty butterfly’s too! It’s a really easy app that’s why I like it and it’s fun! You have to click on the sparkly pen to make it auto draw and the arrows to move the things you made around! The rest of the things I will let you find out and have some fun with it. I think this can help with my learning if you needed a photo to put on a slide show then you can make one on Auto Draw! I think you guys will love this as much as I do too! I will put the link underneath this so you  guys can try it out yourself! I will also put a photo of my one in so you can see what it looks like hope you like the photo and the app!