Tag: Cybersmart

Message Makeover!

Hello today we had to learn how to write kindly online! 1st we had to make an copy of a doc and change the copy of to our initials and than we had a slide show to fill in. 1 side had a rude message and on the other side we had to write another message the same thing but in a nicer way we had to to 7 slide shows and pick 1 to put on are blog we had to do this because we are learning about netiquette! I picked slide 6 because I think that that was the best 1 I did! Well here it is I hope you like it! 🙂


Scavenger Hunt!

Hello. today we had to do a scavenger hunt. It was about things that we liked, How many words did you write in the page and more. We had to pick our Favourite animal and say why we liked it I picked a Sausage Dog because I love them and there long! We were meant to finish this today but we did not have time. I was close to being finished but I ran out of time. Something I learnt was how to put in a heading and it was cool. Everything that we needed was on the google doc we could get emojis and images. Here is mine I hope you like it sorry if it is not finished I will update to my blog though when it is finished though here you go hope you like it!


Kawa of Care

Hello. Last week we had to make a Pixton comic about Kawa of care! I have finished my comic today so I will show you after. First we had to get our self and put it in and then we had to change the backgrounds, Add text boxes, and make more slide shows by saying what not to do the not eating by your Chrome-Book or else the keys will get messy underneath. Or never put and drinks near your Chrome-Book or else you could spill it and break your Chrome-Book. Here is my comic I hope you like it 🙂

Blog Comments

Hello. Today we have been learning how to show people to make a comment for Cybersmart. We learnt how to put in characters and how to put clothes and hair and emotions. We also made this by a template from Canva. We had 4 squares that were different colours.  After we had to write what you would have to do in blog comments in the boxes. Here is mine I hope you like it 🙂

Copy of Comic Template by Subreen

Pixton App

Hello! Today we have been learning about the Pixton app, how to move things and change things. We had to make a ‘would you rather’ comic. I did ‘would you rather drive forever or live in the sea or live in a barn?’ My friend picked the barn because she loves animals and it’s not expensive. Next time I would probably not add so many slides because it takes too much room,  but it turned out good. Here is mine, I hope you like it 🙂

My Canva Name

Hello for the last week we have been learning to use knew features in canva. We had to use a slideshow and make it move we had to click on a button and then we could change the presentation. I had to remove my background in the photo so then nothing else would show. Then I could use different types of colours and fonts for the letters of my name too! Here is my one but I really enjoyed making it because I could see everything moving with just 3 slide shows. But next time I might make things smaller so it can fit a little better.





My Broom

Hello. For the last week we have been learning how to make our own broom. We did this because we read a book called room on the broom. I created mine out of paper string string a balloon to make it float. Lots of other people though made theirs out of Lego and put of shapes. But I made mine out of paper string and a balloon because it was easier to do. If I could change my broom I would have added a bag instead that was open so it would not be heavy for the  balloon and it would have floated more. I would also use Popsicle sticks instead of paper so it would be easier too.  I am going to show you my pictures of  me making  it from time to time.

This is when I started


This is when I put the string in the holes

This when I put in seats

This is the balloon not filled up

This is when the balloon is filled up This is when it is all tied up and ready to fly away.

My Cool Animation

Hi This is my first time making a cool animation. We all had to create our own charters with shapes it was fun.We had to make one related to a game called Interland kind kingdom.We had to use duplicate lots of times.We also used duplicate to the words so people could read them first we had to duplicate 6 times to do it.We could use poly line to make our charters. For our words we could use speech bubbles or just text boxes we did this in cybersmart.

My first comic in Pixton App

Hello this term we have been working on a comic on Pixton App.We made one about how comment’s have feelings. We made our avatar first it was fun I made myself. We could add anybody in we could add our friends in and more.So we made a comic here is my comic hope you enjoy it.

When we comment online sometimes it could mean something else to people so just be careful of what you type online.